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Our no B.S. wealth advice delivered 2x per month, max. Tuned specifically for busy, high-net-worth business professionals and investors who want straightforward advice without the fluff.

Advice without opinion is ubiquitous. Just about anyone will give you some of theirs. You want to see your options, all of them, and understand our opinion on why it’s worth considering one over another. Because you can have all of the money in the world and not know any of those things.

Our niche is working with people who are coming into newfound wealth and are faced with a sudden need for meaningful advice from a Team, or as we refer to it, a Collective Mastermind. These are typically business owners going through a sale, individuals with newly inherited wealth, and highly compensated executives with at least $5mm in assets.

So what kinds of questions do our clients ask? Find the answers below and download “Questions to Ask When Choosing a Financial Advisor” for the most important questions you should ask your Financial Advisor right now.


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Get Monument #Unfiltered: Our Free Private Wealth Newsletter

Our no B.S. wealth advice delivered 2x per month, max. Tuned specifically for busy, high-net-worth business professionals and investors who want straightforward advice without the fluff.