When it comes to charitable giving, your instinct may be to reach for your checkbook or credit card. But if you’re looking to potentially increase your gift and tax deduction, consider donating your appreciated stocks directly to charity.
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Did you panic in 2021 when Congress was discussing lowering the federal estate tax exemption amount? Did you ask yourself, “Should I be doing something?” Congress ultimately nixed any changes to estate tax laws as part of the Build Back Better (BBB) negotiations. Great, no one needs to rush into any decisions. BUT the federal estate tax exemption is still going to be cut in half in 2026, which begs the question again: Should you be doing something?
Individual donors contributed $319.04 billion to charities in 2023. Almost all donors (97%) cite impact as their main reason for giving, while 56% of donors see tax deductions as a motivating factor to give. Ideally, you can do both! Thinking beyond “checkbook giving” to leverage more strategic forms of charitable giving will benefit both you and your nonprofit(s) of choice.