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Business owners are on the hook for a lot: the full 15.3% self-employment tax, the cost of healthcare, building your own nest egg without the matching employer contributions to retirement plans often referred to as “free money” for employees. It’s no wonder that investing for retirement isn’t a top priority for some business owners who are busy trying to grow their business’ value.

Feb 12, 2024 Business Exit Planning

It’s safe to say that most investors share a common goal: to have enough money to comfortably live their life without financial fear or worry. The simplest way to do that is to have a good cash strategy. One that is data-tested and designed around your specific plans, assets and needs. Doesn’t sound too hard right? Well, the devil is in the details.

Compensation packages for executives and other high-income earners can be confusing; acronyms, percentages, and industry jargon can make it hard to identify exactly what you have to gain from an offer. If you don’t completely grasp the pros and cons of what you’re being offered, it can be difficult or even impossible to formulate a long-term wealth plan. Two common terms you might have heard include restricted stock units (RSUs) and performance stock units (PSUs).

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You’ve worked hard to build your portfolio, but have you ever stopped to ask yourself what it’s all for? A lot of people lose sight of why they are actually investing. So really, what’s the purpose of your wealth? Where do you want to spend your money? Maybe you have some ideas in mind, like supporting a comfortable lifestyle, sending kids off to college, or gifting to a charity that’s important to you. Maybe you don’t know yet, and that’s fine too.

You’ve established your philanthropic intentions, set your charitable goals, and are ready to start making an impact. Now what? It’s time to learn some charitable giving basics, so you can make the most of your dollars and understand where philanthropy fits in with your overall Private Wealth Design.  With that said, we’re going to hit on 3 charitable giving strategies that are often forgotten but can help maximize your financial opportunities. Let’s dive in.

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