Every household has division of labor, and when it comes to money, oftentimes one person is handling the monthly bills and another person is managing the long-term investment portfolio. In essence, one person is looking through a microscope, the other through a telescope—you and your partner may be seeing a very different picture. Maybe you don’t think you have time to see the other view.

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Women do so much…I know from firsthand experience, because I’m a woman and I feel like I do a lot, if I do say so myself! When I was in my 20s, I traveled and worked thousands of hours with a Big 5 consulting firm, got married, and bought a house. I socked money away in my 401k and that was the extent of my financial planning. When I was in my 30s, I had children and dogs and cats and did a whole different kind of work, much of it unpaid.
There is no legal definition of “financial advisor” and that creates a big problem– when anyone can freely use the term, everyone inevitably will. Seriously, this is just like when everyone started putting “entrepreneur” in their bios and on their business cards.
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