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This classic piece of investment advice is everywhere for a good reason. Spreading your investments across numerous asset classes and sectors reduces your portfolio’s reliance on any particular one. It’s meant to mitigate your loss—if one sector were to decrease, your diversification across multiple sectors can reduce the impact of those losses. There are levels of diversification, too.

If an asset is on the rise, there can be some sense in jumping in on that trend. Those trends, after all, represent the flow of capital. Instead of trying to fight that flow, you might potentially be better off joining it—assuming you do the proper analysis and have specific rules set in your Model to guide you in entering and exiting the investment at an appropriate time.

After years of focusing on building a business, now’s the time to pause and audit your personal financial life. What assets do you have? Liabilities? What kind of income are you accustomed to and how do you spend it? Approach these questions with the same discipline and no B.S. attitude that’s already gotten you this far. Then, map these items out–(we use a “Monument Asset Map”)–so you can see the big picture clearly without overwhelming the senses.

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Many of the best dividend growth stocks don’t have high yields. Let that sink in for a moment. Consider this: when a company pays out a dividend, that’s not free money. On the contrary, it’s less money that goes back into the company which can slow growth down. In fact, high yield could be a sign that there isn’t much growth to be had at all.

Sometimes, a business sale isn’t the sale of a single “business asset”–it’s often considered the sale of the individual assets of the business (think inventory, intangibles like goodwill, capital assets, etc.) for tax purposes. This means that some assets may be taxed as ordinary income when sold while others may be taxed at lower, advantageous long-term capital gains rates.

Nov 03, 2021 Tax Strategies

Are you wondering when to buy long-term care insurance? It seems like a no-brainer…People live longer nowadays and we’ll all probably need long-term care at some point. Buying a long-term care policy sounds like the responsible thing to do. According to a study revised in 2016 by the Urban Institute and US Department of Health and Human Services, about half of today’s 65-year-olds will develop a disability and require some long-term care services.

You wouldn’t begin the process of working with an architect to build your dream home if you didn’t know what your current home was worth and were reliant on proceeds from selling it to fund the project. Sure, there are things like “comparables” as a starting point, but your home has its own unique features and circumstances that will ultimately drive the value.

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