Top 6 “Off the Wall” Posts of 2015

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We’d like to share with you our Top 6 “Off the Wall” Posts of 2015!

A lot of people ask us what our most popular blog posts are.  Because of this, we’ve come up with a list of our posts that have received the highest amount of traffic throughout the year.  This is a great way to catch up on any posts you may have missed, or just recap some of the year’s most important economic news.

Here they are!
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#1: What Should I Do Now?

August 24th, 2015


“First, if you have not seen the three-part video series we launched last week, please go see it.  We recorded it before this whole mess began and it outlines our thoughts on the market and recessions.  Second, if you are SERIOUSLY asking yourself or anyone else any version of the question, “What should I do now?” you have an investment strategy problem that needs to be fixed because it’s probably too late to figure out what you should do in the middle of something like the past few days…”

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#2: 2015 Mid-Year Economic Review

August 17th, 2015

Mid-Year Review

“I’ve just returned from a week-long vacation out in Yellowstone.  It is an amazing place.  I highly recommend going if you have not seen that part of the country.  It’s stunning.  So, in lieu of a normal blog this week, I’d like to pass along the following three videos, which make up our Monument Wealth Management 2015 Mid-Year Economic Review…”

Watch the series >>

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#3: Oil, Oil Everywhere

December 14th, 2015

The Market

“Global equity markets ended the week with big losses. The S&P 500, German DAX, and Japan TOPIX were -3.7%, -3.8%, and -1.5%, respectively.   Commodity prices hit a 16-year low, which weighed on stocks. I discuss oil in greater detail below, however, markets are now anticipating the Federal Reserve’s interest rate policy decision on December 16th.  An interest rate increase is a very high probability (this is a consensus thought in addition to mine) since the Fed really risks losing credibility if they do not raise rates this time around by creating an “if not now, then when?” issue. As for anticipating market action, it’s anyone’s guess, but I don’t think it’s something that any investor should be trying to time or gamble on…”

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#4: Paris and More

November 16th, 2015

Paris France

“First and foremost, what happened last weekend was horrible and our hearts go out to everyone impacted by this terrorist attack. I hope that the world sees peace at some time in my remaining life.  People are putting themselves in harm’s way every day trying to keep us all safe.  We remember them too. It’s a sad world we live in…”

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#5: Peace Out, 2015

December 21st, 2015

Wealth Management Blog

“As everyone knows by now, in addition to Steve Harvey totally blowing it at the Miss Universe Contest last night, the Federal Reserve ended seven years of near-zero interest rate policy by raising rates 0.25% last week. This indicates its conviction in the vigor of the U.S. economic recovery. It was a unanimous decision by the members of the Committee. The rate increase was certainly no surprise to anyone, so the market reaction to the announcement was positive – stocks rallied and Treasury yields remain mostly stable…”

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#6: Battery M, 3rd Battalion, 14th Marine Regiment – RIP

July 20th, 2015

USMC Battery M

“No jokes or funny pictures today. As most of you know I’m a Marine Reservist and have, up until very recently, been drilling one weekend a month and two weeks in the summer since right after 9/11. From 2009 through most of 2011, I was the Commanding Officer of the unit that was attacked in Chattanooga last week. Technically named Mike Battery, the unit is often referred to as Mike Battalion – a direct reflection of its ability to take on an undefeatable presence in its higher headquarters through dominance, might, effectiveness, strength and its ability to outshine other units. It’s true, many reserve units are seen as less capable in the eyes of their active duty sister units…”

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