Greater Washington’s Best Places to Work of 2016

washington business journal best places to work

Monument Wealth Management is named one of “Greater Washington’s Best Places to Work of 2016” by the Washington Business Journal.

The Monument Team celebrates with each other for birthdays, engagements, new babies and more.
The Monument Team celebrates with each other for birthdays, engagements, new babies and more.

Monument Wealth Management is excited to announce its placement in Washington Business Journal’s “Best Places to Work!” This is the fourth year in a row that Monument has been awarded this honor.

Washington Business Journal selects the winners by evaluating job satisfaction survey responses that are filled out by each company’s employees. The winners are split into four lists: Small (10-24 employees), Medium (25-49 employees), Large (50-249 employees), and Extra-Large (250-99,999 employees).

A Few Reasons Why We Made the List

The Monument Team has always valued the company’s culture of open communication, honesty, and collaboration. The Team feels empowered to speak up and be heard, and they get to work together on major company decisions. The employees also love their office environment; the open office design is fun and engaging, the walls and furniture are brightly colored, and full length windows provide views out over Old Town Alexandria. The Team is encouraged to attend conferences and workshops, and further their education with classes. Monument also allows for a flexible work schedule, understanding that “things come up” that need to be taken care of.

Along with Monument’s feature in Washington Business Journal’s “Best Places to Work” rankings from 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016, Monument was also featured in Research Magazine’s 2012 article, “A Cool Place to Work: How Advisory Firms Are Attracting, Retaining Top Employees,” and was named a Washingtonian “Small Gem.”

View the full “Best Places to Work” list here!

Each summer, the team caravans out to Dave’s house in Lusby for some fun outdoor activities.
Each summer, the team caravans out to Dave’s house in Lusby for some fun outdoor activities.

Monument Team

Dressing up for Halloween is one way Monument likes to show their spirit.
Dressing up for Halloween is one way Monument likes to show their spirit.

About Washington Business Journal

“The Washington Business Journal is owned and operated by American City Business Journals, the nation’s largest publisher of metropolitan business newspapers. American City Business Journals also includes Bizjournals, the new media division, which operates the Web sites for each of the company’s 43 business journal markets. The Washington Business Journal has been Greater Washington’s leading source of business news and information for 30 years, providing over 150,000 business executives with comprehensive news on local people and their companies, as well as industry trends, tips and strategies and award-winning critical analysis. For more information, please visit”

About Monument Wealth Management

Monument Wealth Management is a financial advisory firm that helps accomplished entrepreneurs transition to a life of long-term financial independence and wealth defined on their own terms. Based in the Washington D.C. area, Monument offers clients unbiased advice, true wealth planning, advocacy and access throughout the wealth creation lifecycle.

Dogs at work
Employees are allowed to bring pets to work, giving the office a homey feel!


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*Award Criteria: The company must have a minimum of 10 employees to qualify. Companies will be ranked in small, medium, large and extra large categories. The amount of employees needed to complete the survey goes as following for company size.: Less than 50 employees = 85%, 51-150 = 70%, 151 – 500 = 50%, 501 – 1,000 = 30%, 1,001-3,000 = 15%, 3,001 – 5,000 = 8%, More than 5,000 = 5%.  Employee-based Survey by Quantum Market Research evaluates: Team effectiveness, Retention, Employee alignment with company goals, Trust with co-workers, Individual contribution, Manager effectiveness, Trust in senior leaders, Feeling valued, Work engagement, People practices, Communication and Resources, Individual Needs, Manager Effectiveness, Personal Engagement, Team Dynamics, Trust in Leadership

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